
Showing posts from January, 2019
Day 602 (Thursday) 30th January 2019 I had the day off today and the weather was wonderful in the morning – the thermometer read 24 degrees in the direct sun and we enjoyed lunch in the sun wearing T-shirts. We were also pleased to see that the bird feeder is being used a lot – we counted nine at the same time and boy do they make a mess! We have to sweep up their mess to avoid being invaded by the ‘hoovers’ (doves) as we were last year. Huw took this lovely video of them Sadly the weather changed at around 3pm and we had some rain and it turned cold as we had the tail end of the storm that is raging all over Europe. We had our first private French lesson today with Sylvie and it was great; Pat and Dee recommended her to us and she is really good. Luckily she loves cats because Badger was being very playful and distracting. The hour flew by and we were both chuffed when she said we weren’t beginners and that our pronunciation wasn’t bad. Badger had a l
Day 601 (Wednesday) 29th January 2019 I got the bus to Beaulieu this morning and at first it was a bit cloudy so I wore my new jacket but when I arrived the sky cleared and it was a beautiful blue again. This building is near Super U supermarket and I’ve never noticed before that it is called ‘Palais des Anglais’ I was a bit early so I went for a short walk around Beaulieu and saw this display in a flower shop It’s made out of roses but I’m not sure how appropriate the word ‘sex’ is here – love and flowers yes, but sex? Ah well, each to his own. I caught the bus to Saint Jean and spent an hour and a half with Florence and her lovely daughter Claree. I had 15 minutes to wait for the bus so I went for a little walk around Saint Jean and took these photos.   There is some interesting art in Saint Jean and I rather like this one of a headless torso… …and it’s even better from this angle… I’m not so sure about this couple though… After seeing