Day 2574 (Tuesday) 25th June 2024

This is Nice

A city with many buildings and trees

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and this is Paloma beach in Saint-Jean Cap-Ferrat.

A view of a body of water with boats in it

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There was a cruise ship in the bay again today and the weather wasn’t great – again! It’s really warm but cloudy – I want summer! 

A cruise ship in the water

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This was on Facebook this morning

A poster for a marine event

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Saint Peter's Day

On Saturday June 29th at 11am a mass will be celebrated in the magnificent Chapel of Saint-Pierre, Quai Courbet, decorated in 1957, by Jean Cocteau, with the prud’-homme of sinners. (I couldn’t translate prud’homie so I have no idea what it means. I looked up prud’-homme and that means industrial tribunal – who knows?)

Sunday June 30th, we give you an appointment at 10am for the great mass officiated at the Saint-Michel church.

At 11am, heading to the quays, with the Fanfare de Villefranche for the throwing of herbs into the sea.

At 11.30 back to the port for an aperitif offered by the Amicale des Aciens Marins. (Friendly Marine Veterans.)

This is how they celebrate in Nice.

Several boats in a harbor

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The port of Nice with the Notre-Dame-du-Port church in the background.

The Saint-Pierre festival is a patronal festival organised by fishing corporations located between Menton and Port-Vendres since the Middle Ages. Every year, at the end of June, fishermen honour Saint Peterpatron saint of fishermen, in order to ask his intercession for fruitful fishing and to protect themselves against bad weather as well as against all disasters linked to fishing.

The feast of Saint-Pierre, “Festa de San Peïre ” in Nice, begins with a mass at the Notre-Dame-du-Port church then continues with a procession of fishermen from the church to the rhythmic port with folk music and dances. At their head is the statue of Saint Peter which is then taken on board a boat. Wreaths of flowers are placed at sea in tribute to missing sailors and fishermen . The symbolic incineration of a fishing boat is the high point of the festival. This practice was originally based on solidarity: The boat of the poorest fisherman was burned and all the fishermen joined together to offer him a new one. The party ends with a popular ball.

This poster was also on Facebook – those boobs are enormous!

A poster of a person in a sailor outfit

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Event by The American Club of the Riviera

The Amélie Pollonais Square

Duration: 7 hr

Public  · Anyone on or off Facebook

Join us in celebrating Independence Day.

This 4th of July, we've been invited by Valérie Blouin, President of the Association Les Américains et la 6e Flotte à Villefranche-sur-Mer ( to an afternoon and evening filled with great entertainment before we gather for dinner at the famous "La Mère Germaine" (since 1938) (

16.00-18.00 Jeeps and Pin-up Parade
18.30-18.45 Pin-up Show
18.45-19.45 Country Dance and Rock'n Roll demonstration
19.45-20.00 Speeches and French & American National Anthems
20.00-22.00 New Orleans jazz with James Andrews Quintet
20.30-Late American Club dinner at the famous "La Mère Germaine"

Dinner Menu:

« Thyme for another »

Cœur de Saumon de la Maison Le Borvo, pain croustillant, crème montée au citron
Scottish smoked salmon, crusty bread, lemon scented whipped cream

La volaille et sa gambas surf and turf, sauce homardine et purée
“Surf and Turf” poultry breast and gambas, lobster sauce, mashed potatoes

Desserts au choix
Tarte Tatin tiède et sa boule de glace vanille
Upside down apple tart and vanilla ice cream

½ vin de Provence blanc, rosé ou rouge Trienne
¼ eau minérale – ¼ mineral water
1 café – 1 coffee

Price: 90 euros for members and 115 euros for guests, all inclusive.

Dress code: Red, White and Blue. Win a prize for best outfit.

We recommend you arrive by train, bus or car – but come early to find parking. Parking available at Wilson - Parkings Municipaux, Parking du Port.

The fun takes place at the Amélie Pollonais Square from 16:00 onwards. You can attend whichever part of the programme you wish. Our Club dinner starts at 20:30.

All nationalities and children are welcome.

Please confirm your reservation as soon as possible, but no later than Wednesday 26th June, unless sold out before. Previously our events have been sold out prior to the final date. Without payment your reservation cannot be confirmed. There will be no payments accepted at the door. Cancellations past June 26th are not refundable. When booking please advice seating preferences, any dietary requests and name of any guests. 

This is one of my favourite days of the year and we also celebrate Huw’s birthday which is on the 3rd.

I found this article online, the jokes are not really funny but it’s a different way of learning. There are 36 of them so I’ll post a few every day.

French Jokes and Translations by Mostafa Abedinifard

French jokes are a great way to practice your French: not only do they provide a lot of useful vocabulary but they feature the modern spoken French language pronunciation and sentence structure.

1 – French Joke 🎪

– “Ecoute”, dit la maman à sa petite fille,”si tu es sage, tu iras au ciel,et si tu n’es pas sage, tu iras en enfer.”
– “Et qu’est-ce que je dois faire pour aller au cirque ?”

English translation of the French joke

– “Listen,” says a mother to her little girl, “if you behave yourself [être sage], you’ll go to heaven, but if you don’t behave, you’ll go to hell.”
– So, what should I do to go to the circus?

2 – French Joke 🍦

Julien demande 10 euros à son père.
– C’est pour quoi faire?
– Pour donner à une vieille dame !
– C’est très bien de vouloir l’aider ! Et où est cette vieille dame?
– Là-bas, elle vend des glaces !

English translation of the French joke

It’s logical

Julien asks for 10 euros from his father.
– What’s this for?
– To give to an old woman!
– It’s great [that you] want to help her! So, where is this old lady?
– Over there. She sells ice cream!

3 – French Joke 🐴

Pierre raconte une histoire à Paul.
Pierre: Hier, en allant chez ma grand-mere, j’ai vu des chevals.
Paul: Des chevaux !
Pierre: Tais-toi, c’est moi qui raconte.

English translation of the French joke

Pierre is telling a story to Paul.
Pierre: Yesterday, while going to my grandma’s, I saw des chevals [wrong plural form of “cheval”, i.e., horse].
Paul: Des chevaux! [correct form for horses]
Pierre: Shut up, I’m the story-teller here [Literally, “It’s me who recounts/tells/relates…]

4 – French Joke 🥔

C’est l’histoire de deux pommes de terre.
Une d’elles se fait écraser et l’autre s’écrie :
– Oh purée !

English translation of the French joke

Here is the story of two potatoes.
One of them is ran over, and the other says:
– Oh purée! [It’s a pun, meaning both “Oh my goodness!” and “Oh, mashed potatoes!”]

Another version of this is instead of potatoes, it’s tomatoes, and after it’s been ran over, the Mother says “common Ketchup” – pun on “catch up”….

A street with tables and chairs

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As soon as you put anything down on the floor Badger is on it.

A cat sitting on a cardboard box

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A cat lying on a piece of paper

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Two cats sitting in a measuring cup

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A cat and dog sleeping together

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