Day 2336 (Tuesday) 31st October 2023

Today’s lovely photo…

This is Saint Paul de Vence, one of my favourite places in France.

A stone street with buildings and trees

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All is well Villefranche again because it’s warm and sunny – 34C on the balcony.A body of water with buildings and boats

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A thermometer on a wall

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Huw planted our new climbing plants, Suzanne gave them to us and I don’t know what they are but hopefully we will see soon.

A balcony with plants on it

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It was lovely sitting in the sunshine, I can’t believe it’s going to be November tomorrow – long may it last.

How do the French celebrate Halloween? 

A pumpkins and spiders with text

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Visitors from countries such as the UK and - in particular the USA - might be expecting to see the shops full of pumpkins, ghost costumes and mini candy, but in France things are a little more restrained around Halloween. While the French do acknowledge the event, it's much less of a big deal that it is in some other countries. That's not to say it isn't marked though - a 2021 survey by YouGov found that about one in three French people celebrate Halloween "at least occasionally". That being said, only eight percent said they celebrate every year, though this does increase among 18–34-year-olds and parents. As of 2021, around 37 percent of French people said they intended to decorate their homes (e.g. adding the occasional broomstick or spiderweb to the exterior of one's home), and around 28 percent said they would carve a Halloween pumpkin. Many French people view Halloween with some skepticism, with 37 percent considering it to be 'commercial'. About a quarter (25 percent) see it as 'just for kids'. Nevertheless, French supermarkets usually start to boast some ready-made decorations by mid-October, and at least a few shelves of trick-or-treat ready candy and sweets. That's because - unsurprisingly - French children have really taken to the idea of roaming their neighbourhood in creepy costumes demanding sugary snacks. As of 2021, around a third of French households said they planned to 'trick-or-treat'. 

It's not as ubiquitous as it is in the USA - and it is certainly less of a month-long event - but you may get a few mini ghouls or witches knocking on your door come October 31st and one side of the festival that France has really taken to is the blood and gore.

One American in Paris told The Local in a previous interview: "In the States the costumes are a lot more fun, or sexy, but in France they really like the horror aspect." Each year, the Disneyland Paris hosts an annual Halloween festival, where the 'villains' take over the park. There is also Parc Asterix, which offers a scarier night of Halloween fun. If you want to take younger children, you can go to the 'Petit frisson' (small scare) section. There are also an increasing number of events with some cities hosting 'zombie walks' and fancy dress events. The Paris zombie walk has already taken place - it shuffled forward from Place de la République last Saturday.

A group of people in garment

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Pumpkin lanterns are a less common, however. Although you will find the vegetable in the shops at around this time of year, the majority of French people are buying them to cook, not carve. But in good news, the French do celebrate the season in much more practical way - by giving people the day off. November 1st, All Saints Day known as Toussaint in France, is a bank holiday. That means if you're going to a Halloween party you don't need to worry about being hungover at work the following day. This year November 1st falls right in the middle of the week on a Wednesday.

Last year the kids of Villefranche dressed up and paraded through the town and we had a great view from the front down Rue du Poilu and the from the back, through Rue Obscure. I hope they do something this year.

A few more idioms…

Sur un coup de tête

Literally: on a stroke of head

Meaning: when you do something “sur un coup de tête”, you do it impulsively, without planning it.

English counterpart: on an impulse, on a whim

Je suis parti pour l’Australie sur un coup de tête.

I left for Australia on an impulse.

Vous ne pouvez pas déménager sur un coup de tête, c’est une décision importante.

You can’t move to a new place on a whim, it’s an important decision.

Les doigts dans le nez

Literally: fingers in the nose

Meaning: When you can do something “les doigts dans le nez”, it means it’s easy to do.

English counterpart: hands down, with one hand tied behind your back

C’est tellement facile que Je pourrais le faire les doigts dans le nez.

It’s so easy I could do it with my eyes closed.

Ils ont gagné les doigts dans le nez.

They won hands down.

Badger helping me with my jigsaw.

A cat sitting on a puzzle

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A kitten in a bucket

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A cat lying on a pink surface

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A kitten lying on a toy train

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