Day 2037 (Wednesday) 28th October 2020

The light this morning was stunning!

A boat is docked next to a body of water

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A sunset over a body of water

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Badger loved it too

A cat sitting on top of a green fence

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Huw dropped me off at the tram stop in the Old Port and he went off shopping and I got the tram to the Marriott.

A tall building

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I had a short walk along the prom and I was surprised to see people swimming, it’s lovely and warm but swimming!

All the conference rooms in the Marriott were busy and the roof garden is closed for the winter so Gilles and I had our class in his office.  The hotel was quite busy today because there is an Israeli football team staying there because they are playing Nice tomorrow. Huw picked me up and we took Kisbee to Antibes. Macron is making an announcement tonight and there are all sorts of rumours that we are going back into lockdown – I bloody hope not! We bought sausages and bacon in Geoffrey’s so if it happens we will be fully stocked. The prices in this shop are ridiculous 

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7€95 for a tin of Spam and 6€95 for corned beef!

There was a circus on the big empty space between the port and the old town – it’s not open yet but I’m surprised they are allowing it to happen.

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We were surprised to see there’s already snow on the distant mountains.

A large tree

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We went for a walk around the old town and it was great to see so many people enjoying their lunch in the glorious sunshine.

 A group of people sitting at a table

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We bought a hot sandwich and a cold drink and had lunch on the beach. When we got there we were surprised to see how many other people had the same idea.

A group of people on a beach near a body of water

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A person sitting at a beach

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Not a bad spot for lunch

A large body of water

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A large ship in a body of water

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On the way back to Kisbee we saw these graffiti ‘artists’ and they’ve been given places to practise their ‘art’ instead of graffitiing public spaces.

A group of people walking down the street

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It was sad to see all the boules players wearing masks but what a lovely spot for a game. A group of people on a beach

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We decided to leave early because when the sun goes down it gets pretty cold on Kisbee.

On the way home we stopped in Cagnes sur Mer to take these photos of the storm damage

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There has to something  they can do with all this wood

A herd of cattle standing on top of a sandy beach

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Joke of the day

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