Day 813 (Saturday) 31st August 2019
Today wasn’t the best day we’ve had since we’ve been here. Due to a misunderstanding regarding check out time at the big apartment we weren’t able to get ready yesterday as we had planned so we made a start on it this morning but we didn’t have time to finish it as we had an 11am check out at Cactus Roc and then a check-in. The guests had left the place in good condition and we soon got cracking. The new arrivals asked if they could drop their bags off at around midday and we agreed – what else can you say? They were lovely people, a granddad and granddaughter who are staying for a month because they have enrolled to study French for three weeks at the Institut de Francais here in Villefranche. They went off for lunch and we finished up. We missed the national anthems for the Wales v Ireland game and then sat through the most boring game of rugby ever and we lost and to make matters worse we watched the game with three Irish people! Ah well, it wasn’t the best day but it was beautifully warm and sunny which always helps and this was our view whilst working.
I’ve heard a lot about the Institut de Francais so I looked it up and this is what I found…
This intensive French course runs for – 8 1/2 hours a day – 5 days a week, for 2 to 4 weeks, all-year round – 2 on-site discussion-meals. To those who really want to learn to speak French, the INSTITUT DE FRANÇAIS in Villefranche, offers a 2- to 4- week French immersion language course for professional adults and mature students who want to acquire rapidly fluency in French. Founded in 1969, its aim is to develop a natural speaking ability by using a unique concept, the “Total Approach”, which combines the most effective audio-visual methods with various practice and real-life sessions in a “French-only” speaking environment. In this renowned French language school, by diversifying the students’ activities throughout the day, all possible approaches to learning to speak French are explored, enabling the student to apply freely and naturally the everyday French vocabulary needed in all types of real-life situations. Thus, the students are constantly stimulated and able to apply themselves to learning to speak the language both analytically and instinctively. Nothing can compare with this intensive “Total Approach” to French, when applied in an all-day immersion under the stimulus of small group interaction, the objective being to learn to speak French as well as possible in the shortest time, while enjoying the whole thing. Thus, in this world-famous setting, providing innumerable cultural and sport activities, all ingredients exist, at the Institut de Français, to make learning French in France a rich and memorable experience.
The 4-week course fee including 160 hours‘ tuition, breakfast, lunch and tea on class days, evening outings with teachers and an excursion is :(the 2-week course fee is half)
DEC. – APRIL €3,320 
MAY – NOV. €4, 010
Plus a registration fee: 80 € (non refundable)


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