Day 782 (Wednesday) 31 st July 2019 I was feeling slightly better this morning so Huw kindly gave me a lift to school on Kisbee. By the time we got there I regretted my decision, as I was hurting again but not too bad. I think Melissa was happy to see me as she said that she and Helena struggled a bit yesterday. We divided the classes into three levels and it all went well but I was surprised when Marsha told me that all six Armenians are finishing tomorrow so Friday will be quiet and we’ll only have two levels to deal with and then it’ll all be over – HOORAY! William phoned me and asked if I could work the last week in August with one student studying for the IELTS exam. I dearly wanted to say no but felt that I couldn’t so I reluctantly agreed to doing an hour and a half for four days. I know it’s not much but working the morning in Nice will bugger up all those days. I did tell that I won’t work on the 27 th because it’s my birthday. How come the whole of France gets...