Day 540 (Thursday)
Another gorgeous sunny day, 26 degrees in direct sunlight and pure blue sky. Huw kindly took me to the Marriott in Cap d’Ail on Kisbee and we stopped to take a few photos at Cap Estel.
Kisbee in the port of Cap d’Ail
I managed to find the temporary reception on the first floor today and Thomas was there. There are still no conference rooms so we had our class in the restaurant.
I haven’t seen Thomas since June so we had a bit of a catch up before moving on to grammar. At the end of the class he told me that I’m the best English teacher he has ever had because I explain grammar clearly and always with a smile – I was chuffed.
The construction work is still going on and it’s rather loud; poor Thomas works on reception and has to deal with all the complaints of the noise.
This was the pool
I didn’t have to wait very long for the bus and got off in Beaulieu to see Sabrina. On the way to her apartment I spotted this rather sad Santa – it looks like he’s been hung with a noose – not very festive

Sabrina was on form and very excited as she has decided to go to the Caribbean for two months. She used to live there and always spends the winters over there – lucky girl! We have six hours of classes left so we will finish them when she gets back in January – I’m going to miss her.
I had a lovely surprise when I got home – Huw has bought and installed BBC and ITV – so now we can watch rugby and Strictly live – hooray!
Today’s French word of the day is nickel
Why do I need to know nickel?
Nickel is a handy little slang word that comes in useful as a way of mixing up your responses to ca va? particularly if you're in a positive mood and it can also be used when you've had the duster out.
Confused? Read on...
So, what does it mean?
Literally nickel has the same meaning as 'nickel' (as in the metal) in English.
But in French slang it means 'great', 'awesome', 'perfect', as well as 'spotless' and 'spick and span'.
So, the next time someone says ca va? to you, why not avoid the usual responses of ca va and bien merci and reply with a snappy nickel, et toi? (great - and you?).
On top of that you can say c'est nickel to mean 'it's amazing' or 'it's perfect'.
For example, Bravo, la pièce est bien, rien à dire, c'est nickel. (Bravo, the piece has done very well, nothing to say, it's amazing).
You can also use nickel to mean that something is clean, so for example: J'ai fait le ménage, les tapis sont nickel. (I did the housework, the rugs are spotless.)
But nickel isn't only used in informal settings - it can also be used in a formal setting to mean 'impeccable' and 'immaculate' just like its more casual meaning of 'spick and span'.
How can I use nickel?
C'était bien passé hier soir? - C'était nickel!
Did it go well last night? - It was great!
Tout est rangé - Oui, c'est nickel!
Is everything tidy? - Yes, it's spotless!
If you want to express the sense that something is perfect instead of nickel you could use the more formal c'est parfait.
And if you want to say something is 'spotless' or 'spick and span' you could instead say c'est net (it's neat) or c'est propre (it's clean).
Word origin
Using the word nickel as a way of expressing enthusiasm is said to originate from the army at the beginning of the 20th century.
Apparently it is all to do with the weapons which had to be kept in impeccable condition, shining so brightly that it reminded the soldiers of nickel - a silvery white metal known for its purity which, when polished, gives off a brilliant shine.
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