Day 23. (Friday) The aim of today’s class to learn how to ask questions and for homework last night we had to write five ‘quel/quelle/quelles questions, which I thought would be easy but it wasn’t. In English we don’t generally ask many ‘what is’ questions other than stuff like what time is it? What’s your nationality, all of which only require short answers so I really thought about this and came up with questions that I hope will elicit longer responses. I had ‘what is your favourite holiday destination? What is the best bar/restaurant around here? And so on. When it came to asking each other our questions it worked really well and Annick was happy to announce that we were speaking French each other. Then it was Vlada’s turn and she asked Annick ‘what’s the time?’ do you see what I mean? There is no need for this crap! There is no room for a precocious brat with a limited concentration span in such a small group. Alison made the mistake of asking me how many countries I’ve been to...