
Showing posts from May, 2024
  Day 2549 (Friday) 31 st May 2024 This is Nice We gave Kisbee 2 the day off today and caught the train to Ventimille (French) Ventimiglia (Italian). We were quite dismayed to see that they are building the private beach in Villefranche – Deli Bo. but the spring flowers are blooming. The train was absolutely rammed full of people and we had to stand until Monaco when most people got off. We went to the market and got lucky, I bought two tops to go with some trousers I bought there last time and Huw got some socks and three T-shirts. When the clothes shopping was done we went to the indoor market and   bought some strawberries and parmesan. It was soon time for lunch and we went to our usual restaurant where Huw enjoyed a spaghetti carbonara and I had the minestrone which was lovely. This was washed down with icy cold beer. The train home was packed again but at least we had a seat all the way. When we got home looked up some facts about Ventimiglia and found this… Ventimiglia Market:
  Day 2548 (Thursday) 30 th May 2024 This is La Reserve in the port of Nice and this is Eze Village. We both went up to the big apartment and spent a few hours getting it ready as we are going to Italy tomorrow and the check-in is on Saturday morning. French Body Talk: 20 Fun Gestures for Fluency without Words Have you ever travelled to a foreign country without speaking a word of its language? How can anybody survive in such a predicament? If you’ve ever been in that situation, you already know the answer: body talk and gestures! Far too often, body gestures are neglected by language teachers and hardly mentioned at all. Nonetheless, learning the specifics of French body language and gestures will help you understand people better and allow you to convey meaning without words. Once you start learning the gestures and using them in daily interactions with your French friends, you’ll become more comfortable with them and you’ll appear much more fluent than you are. If you already know