Day 1209 (Wednesday) 30th September 2020
Day 1209 (Wednesday) 30 th September 2020 It was lovely and warm this morning but there were a few wispy clouds in the sky and I had an issue with what to wear today because I was working until 6.30 and it has cooled down a bit in the evenings now. Huw gave me a lift to the Old Port of Nice on Kisbee so I wore long trousers for the first time in months and months and even wore a light cotton jacket, which was needed on the scooter. I wasn’t as early as usual but I still managed a short walk along the prom and it was as lovely as ever. It was great to see Gilles again, it’s been three weeks since we had a class. He is very worried about his job because they are still cutting his hours. He is confident that he will have a job until Christmas but he doesn’t know after that. There are 140 rooms in this Marriott and at the moment 100 of them are empty. He is a single parent and his daughter has just started a new school so he has had to buy a new uniform, gym kit, books ...