Day 1,026 (Tuesday) 31 st March 2020 Day 16 and shock horror it wasn’t sunny; this isolation is a lot easier when I can sunbathe! Huw put Andy and Chadwick in the back seat of a car with this caption… ‘Andy and Chadwick take on their most dangerous role, accepting a lift from Grace Kelly on the Grande Corniche in the 1955 romantic thriller To Catch a Thief.’ As the weather wasn’t so good we decided to be good citizens and stay home today although I did pop to Casino for bread, wine and potatoes and to the tabac where the very funny shopkeeper has now got a plastic protective screen between himself and his customers. He is a very tall man and I found it hilarious when he had to stoop down to be protected from me – we both had a good laugh. I spent a few relaxing hours in the living room doing a jigsaw and Badger joined me to help – not! Things you should NEVER do when dining in France The French love their food rules, so here's how to get thr...