
Showing posts from February, 2020
Day 995 Saturday) 29 th February 2020 Shock horror – we didn’t have blue sky all day today! We had planned to go somewhere new today after asking Andy’s advice last night but decided against it because it was grey. Speaking of last night, Simon was in the bar and I showed him a photo of the King of Fashion from the Nice carnival on Tuesday and even he had to admit it did look like him – what do you think? It’s a bad photo of Simon because he didn’t want his photo taken but you can still see the likeness. We had a little bit of excitement in Villefranche this week as a section of Rue Obscure was opened and it looks lovely. There is a dedication to Jean Cocteau I found a great article in The Local France about food in France – enjoy… From crêpes to cassoulet: The ultimate food map of France France means food, but to really get to the heart of French cuisine you need to know which region of the country all those delicacies and dishes come fro
Day 994 (Friday) 28 th February 2020 We had a very early start this morning because I started work in the Marriott at 9am. It was lovely and sunny but it was quite cold and really cold on Kisbee. Luckily it only takes ten minutes to get to the Old Port so it wasn’t too painful. I got the tram to the Marriott and I was a little early so I sat on the Promenade d’Anglais and admired the view. When I got to reception to ask for my student Nadia I saw that there were a number of hand sanitisers on the desk and when I looked around I saw that they were everywhere and everybody was washing their hands. Nadia took me downstairs and we had our class in a rather splendid conference room. We had our break in one of the many gardens and on the way back we saw the headlines on the TV in the lounge – Nice has its first case of coronavirus. A student from Cannes had been to Milan and was sent to Nice hospital this morning. When I got home I