Day 691 (Tuesday) 30 th April 2019 I had an early start and caught the bus into Nice; I had a nice chat with Guillaume and Anna (Guillaume in English and Anna in my poor French) before meeting Benny in the café. At the end of the morning Guillaume informed me that I don’t have to work tomorrow because it’s May 1 st and NOBODY in France works on this day or next Wednesday 8 th . I sent a text to Florence and Jeannine offering a different day but neither of them has got back to me yet. Recently I found this article in the Local.fr about French bank holidays… 'Do the viaduct': Why 2019 is a great year in France for public holidays (this photo is not mine) France can look forward to a great year for public holidays in 2019. And you'll find there is ample opportunity to 'do the viaduct'... It's a good year for public holidays in France this year, with just one falling on a weekend. The French have nine weekday public holidays l...