Day 238 (Wednesday) We are still relishing in our superb new view without the tops of the olive trees and after the initial shock of seeing such leafy trees being hacked back, they are now starting to look pretty again. I have no idea why the tree man left all these dangly bits but they are rather lovely. As you know I am reading Stephen Clarke ‘In the Merde for love’ at the moment and I was tickled pink by his reference to ham and cheese in French cuisine. As I’ve said before wherever we have travelled all over the world, well mostly, there is always ham and cheese, particularly in France. The character in this book has just opened an English teashop in Paris and is talking about where the ingredients in their products come from saying … …Our curried potato salad was made with the best French mayonnaise. All our other salads came with the least English vinaigrette in Europe. And the ingredients for our toasted sandwiches – cheese, cheese and ham, cheese and tomato, or, if y...